Metro C Line Extension to Torrance Project on the Agenda at Metro’s April Planning and Programming Committee and Executive Management Committee Meeting
The Project is approaching a significant milestone as it moves closer to a recommendation for a Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) to define the Proposed Project in the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The Project is on the agenda at the upcoming Metro Planning and Programming Committee meeting and the Executive Management Committee meeting to hear the staff recommendation prior to a vote by the full Metro Board of Directors (Board) at a future meeting.
The public will be able to participate and comment (Metro Board allows for one-minute public comment) at the Board meetings in-person, online or by phone. Details are below:
Wednesday, April 17, 1:00pm
Project Update and Staff Recommendation for LPA
Planning and Programming Committee
In Person: One Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90012, 3rd Floor, Metro Board Room
Watch online: boardagendas.metro.net
Listen by phone: Dial 202-735-3323 and enter Access Code: 5647249# (English) or 7292892# (Español)
Thursday, April 18, 11:00am
Project Update and Staff Recommendation for LPA
Executive Management Committee
In Person: One Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90012, 3rd Floor, Metro Board Room
Watch online: boardagendas.metro.net
Listen by phone: Dial 202-735-3323 and enter Access Code: 5647249# (English) or 7292892# (Español)
Updated FAQs & Outreach Summaries
We've updated the list of frequently asked questions and answers based on the recent feedback from community meetings and events. To access the updated FAQ document, please go to the Project Filing Cabinet (Project Dropbox site) and click on the FAQs folder.
Additionally, Metro has prepared summaries of recent community engagement events in Winter 2023/2024. Summaries of all outreach events for the Project can be accessed on the Project website by visiting the Project Filing Cabinet and the Draft EIR Community Engagement folder.
Next Steps
Following the Metro Board Committee meetings in April, the Project will go to the full Board at a future meeting to consider the staff recommendation and approve a Proposed Project and LPA. If the Metro Board approves an LPA, the Project team will move forward with a Final EIR based on the selected LPA, perform additional analysis and design refinements, respond to public comments and questions received during the Draft EIR review period, and prepare a Mitigation, Monitoring & Reporting Program (MMRP) for the Proposed Project. More information can be found on the project website, www.metro.net/clineext.
Contact Us
You can contact us with questions or comments at [email protected].