Senior Citizen Advisory Committee

Senior Citizen Advisory Committee Members

Evelyn Legarda

Ann Drown
Adriana Heidman
Timothy H. Roberts
Lisa Gould
Larry Stouch

Meeting Dates: The fourth Wednesday of each Month
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Place: Lawndale Community Center Conference Room
Address: 14700 Burin Avenue, Lawndale CA 90260

The City Council established the Senior Citizen Advisory Committee in 1990, primarily to advise the Parks, Recreation and Social Services Commission on matters relating to senior citizen programs and needs in the City of Lawndale. The committee consists of 7 seniors who are 55 years of age or older. Committee members must either (a) reside within the City of Lawndale; or (b) participate in the City's senior citizen program and reside in the South Bay.

The committee meets once per month and serves without compensation. One member of the Parks, Recreation and Social Services Commission serves as an ex-officio member of the Senior Citizen Advisory Committee, and a staff member of the Department of Community Services serves as the staff representative.

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