Parks, Recreation and Social Services Commission

Parks, Recreation & Social Services Commission Members

Sonrisa Wood, Commissioner

Kenneth Miller, Commissioner

Alma Castro, Commissioner

Jennifer Collins, Commissioner

Daniel Woods, Commissioner

Current terms expire February 28, 2027

Meeting Dates: 2nd and 4th Monday of each month
Time: 6:30 pm
Place: Lawndale City Hall Council Chambers
Address: 14717 Burin Avenue, Lawndale CA 90260

Parks, Recreation and Social Services Commission agendas are available for viewing the Thursday before any regular meeting at the City Hall Courtyard posting board, or the City website at Parks, Recreation and Social Services Commission - City of Lawndale, CA ( Agenda and minutes are available for the past two full years and current year. To request agendas to be emailed directly to you, please contact the Community Services Department at (310) 973-3270.

Though not required by State law, most cities have a commission to advise the Council regarding parks and recreational activities. Lawndale's Parks, Recreation and Social Services Commission was created by the City Council by ordinance in 1959. The commission consists of five members and holds regular meetings no less than once per month. Commissioners receive a small stipend for each meeting attended. The Director of Community Services serves as the staff liaison to the commission.

Section 2.36.100 of the municipal code describes the duties and responsibilities of the Parks, Recreation and Social Services Commission as follows.

A. The Parks, Recreation and Social Services Commission is advisory to the City Council in matters pertaining to social and leisure programs and activities for the City. The commission may make recommendations to the City Council on priorities for the development and provision of social and leisure programs for the citizens of Lawndale and the acquisition and operation of related facilities.

B. The Parks, Recreation and Social Services Commission will be responsible for assisting the City Council and Community Services Department in identifying and assessing areas of social and leisure needs, and for cooperating with other individuals and community agencies engaged in serving human needs to identify service gaps and areas of duplication within the community.

C. The Parks, Recreation and Social Services Commission shall encourage maximum availability of social and leisure opportunities within the community through appropriate scheduling of facilities and through the promotion of citizen participation in the development and operation of non-tax-supported programs.

D. The commission shall establish such rules and regulations as it deems necessary for its government and for the faithful performance of its duties.

Parks, Recreation and Social Services Commission Information:

Member Stipends
Each member receives a $50.00 stipend per meeting, limited to no more than $100.00 per month, or $1,200.00 annually. Members are not compensated for meetings not attended or cancelled.

Dual Membership for Elected Officials
Each Parks, Recreation and Social Services Commission member is appointed by the City Council. Per Lawndale Municipal Code, Section 2.04.070, members holding other City positions, "No person elected or appointed to membership on the Council shall, subsequent to such election or appointment, be eligible for employment or for appointment to any position with the City for which compensation is paid, until one year has elapsed after such person has ceased to be a member of the Council."

Dual Commission Membership
City of Lawndale Commission members are only allowed to serve on one Commission at any one time for the City.

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