
Contact Us

Main Line: (310) 973-3200

Fax: (310) 970-2183

Email: [email protected]

About Us
The Finance Department manages the fiscal operations of the City and maintains financial records in conformance with generally accepted accounting principles in compliance with State and Federal laws. The Department's primary functions include financial planning and budgeting, disbursement control, revenue administration, accounting and reporting, case management, purchasing, payroll, and business licensing.

Typical Tasks
Typical task include: daily cash receipting for business licenses and building permits, receipt and review of business license and permit applications and response to questions from clients at the front counter, preparation and review of requisitions for purchases, obtaining and reviewing quotes for purchases and issuing purchase orders to vendors, processing invoices for payment to vendors; reviewing, preparing and disbursing payroll, employee benefits and payroll taxes and responding to questions from employees; preparing required reports for numerous governmental agencies; monitoring revenues and expenditures to ensure conformance with the City's budget and purchasing ordinance; ongoing treasury management and assistance with other finance related activities.

The Finance Department of the City of Lawndale manages the fiscal operations of the City and maintains financial records in conformance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principals and in compliance with State and Federal laws. The department provides for management control over the City's financial operations by ensuring the ability present fairly on a timely basis the financial position of the City. The reports prepared annually by the Finance Department and available on-line include the following:

  • General Purpose Financial Statements
  • Redevelopment Agency Financial Statements
  • Treasurer's Report

The Finance Department also prepares, maintains and updates the City's General Ledger reports on a monthly basis. The coordination and management of the General Ledger system orchestrated by the Finance Staff results in the availability of various reports for internal uses. These reports aid and assist the City's Department Heads in planning, decision-making and assessing resources available to them to better manage their departments. These reports consist of the following and are also available on-line:

  • Monthly Revenue and Expenditure reports
  • Quarterly Treasures reports
  • Budget to Actual Detail Reports
  • Balance Sheets

Office Hours

7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Friday-Sunday: Closed

Director of Finance/City Treasurer, Hrant Manuelian.

Purchase Orders
The City's Finance Department is also responsible for the preparation and review of requisitions for purchases, obtaining and reviewing quotes for purchases and issues purchases orders to vendors.

Accounts Payable
The Finance Department processes over invoices for payment to over 3,000 vendors annually and approximately 3,000 checks per month. These tasks are achieved by establishing a routine and systematic process whereby staff works directly with other City departments and vendors.

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