Commercial Standards


Image depicting an announcement about City Hall closure on March 31, 2025, for Cesar Chavez Day, with a graphic of Cesar Chavez. Regular business hours to resume on April 1, 2025.

City Hall will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, for Cesar Chavez Day.

Locate information about permitted uses, and general requirements for commercial zones within the city. Setbacks, building height requirements, landscaping requirements, and lot coverage standards very by zone.

Businesses located within the Hawthorne Boulevard Specific Plan Area are subject to additional requirements. Review the Specific Plan for more information.


Interested in redesigning your parkway? Review the City's Parkway Design Guidelines. For more information, or to obtain an encroachment permit to alter the parkway, call the Public Works Department at (310) 973-3260.


View this document to see what the parking requirements are for commercial uses.

Parking Layout Standards

A. Space Dimensions

  • 9'x20' with no obstruction

  • 10'x20' with no obstruction

  • 17'x20' for handicap parking (see ADA requirements)

B. R-2-P, R-3-P Zones (Multiple Family Residential/Parking Zones)

  • Any R-2-P and R-3-P parcels used for the purpose set forth above must be contiguous to the commercially zoned parcel for which it is to provide the required parking and under the same ownership or in the possession of the same claimant or person pursuant to a recorded lease with a term of not less than twenty years.

  • The term contiguous as used in this section shall include properties across an alley having at least ten feet of common frontage along the centerline of such alley.

C. Landscaping

  • An additional 2% minimum of the total lot area must be within the required dedicated parking area.

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