Just a Friendly Reminder for Lawndale Homeowners
Now that spring is here and lawns and grass are beginning to sprout, Lawndale residents are encouraged to maintain the lawns, including parkways.
Parkways are the area between the sidewalk and the curb in front of residential homes, and although they do not belong to the property, they are the responsibility of the adjacent property owner to maintain.
The Lawndale Municipal Code states that residential property owners shall water and fertilize established trees and shall maintain all other vegetation growing in the parkway as necessary to preserve the health of trees and other vegetation.
Commercial property owners are not required to maintain the parkways in front of their business, but they are encouraged to contact City Hall when vegetation becomes overgrown, so that Public Works staff may come out and trim overgrown weeds and grass.
Overgrown grass may be reported to the Public Works Department at (310) 973-3260.
Thank you for your assistance in keeping Lawndale beautiful and please contact Lawndale City Hall at (310) 973-3200 with any questions.