

The quality of neighborhood life, its safety and welfare comes from the commitment of each of its citizens. The Los Angeles Sheriff's Department takes pride in its role as a citizen of the community; partners with its members in the delivery of quality law enforcement services. We dedicate our full-time efforts to the duties incumbent upon every community member. As we act, we are universal citizens deriving our authority from those we serve. We accept our law enforcement mission to serve our communities with the enduring belief that in so doing, we serve ourselves. As professionals, we view our responsibilities as a covenant of public trust, ever mindful that we must keep our promises. As we succeed, our effectiveness will be measured by the absence of crime and fear in our neighborhoods and by the level of community respect for our efforts. In accomplishing this all important mission, we are guided by the following principles:

To recognize that the primary purpose of our organization is not only the skillful enforcement of the law, but the delivery of humanitarian services which promote community peace.

To understand that we must maintain a level of professional competence that ensures our safety and that of the public without compromising the constitutional guarantees of any person.

To base our decisions and actions on ethical as well as practical perspectives and to accept responsibility for the consequences.

To foster a collaborative relationship with the public in determining the best course in achieving community order.

To strive for innovation, yet remain prudent in sustaining our fiscal health through wise use of resources.

To never tire of our duty, never shrink from the difficult tasks and never lose sight of our own humanity.


As a leader in the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department,
I commit myself to honorably perform my duties with
respect for the dignity of all people,
integrity to do right and fight wrongs,
wisdom to apply common sense and fairness in all I do and
courage to stand against racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, homophobia and bigotry in all its forms.


  • Integration of the Special Assignment Officers into the Neighborhood Watch program.
  • Expand the visibility and delivery of services of the Community Oriented Policing Program.
  • Expand the bicycle patrol program focusing on residential and commercial areas.
  • Implement the Neighborhood and Business Watch Programs.
  • Maintain the overall reduction of crime in the City of Lawndale.
  • Assist the City of Lawndale with the development of a school traffic circulation program.

For additional information regarding the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, recruitment efforts, and civilian partnership programs, please visit our web site at:

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

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