Online Permit Archive

Black text on a white background with a clipboard on the left side.


Image depicting an announcement about City Hall closure on March 31, 2025, for Cesar Chavez Day, with a graphic of Cesar Chavez. Regular business hours to resume on April 1, 2025.

City Hall will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, for Cesar Chavez Day.

Permits that have been finalized, canceled, or expired have been scanned into the archive. If there are any active or open permits for a property, those permits will be uploaded into the archive once they are finalized or closed out.

Permit files are updated frequently and are uploaded to Google Drive for public access.


LA County handled permit applications before the City's incorporation (December 28, 1959).

For additional permit records, you can use LA County's Permit Viewer system to search for older permits that may not be on file with the City. To submit a records request with LA County, please visit the LA County Building & Safety Southwest Office located at 1320 W. Imperial Highway, Los Angeles, CA 90044.


Artesia Blvd.
Avis Ave.
Burin Ave.
Condon Ave.
De Oro Ln. (a)
Eastwood Ave.
Firmona Ave.
Freeman Ave.
Grevillea Ave.
Hawthorne Blvd.
Inglewood Ave.
Jefferson Ave. (a)
Kingsdale Ave.
Larch Ave.
Lawndale Way (b)
Manhattan Beach Blvd.
Mansel Ave.
Marine Ave.
Osage Ave.
Prairie Ave.
Redondo Beach Blvd.
Rixford Ave.
Rosecrans Ave.
Sayler Ave.
Sombra Ave.
Washington Ave.
Wharff Ln.

(a) no permits on file

(b) Lawndale Way was previously designated as the 4400 block of 147th St.

(c) Marine Ave. was previously designated as Compton Blvd.
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