About Building Permits

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How long are permits good for?

Once a building permit is issued, the permit is valid for up to one year, or within 180 days after the last successful inspection. Additional time may be granted by:

  • a permit extension, which costs 25% of the total permit fee. The permit extension will grant up to six additional months to complete the work described in the permit if the fee is paid for before the permit expires.

  • a permit renewal, which costs 50% of the total permit fee. The permit renewal will grant up to six additional months to complete the work described in the permit if the fee is paid for after the permit expires.

Building permits are valid for a maximum of two years (after extensions/renewals). A new permit must be applied for after the two-year maximum.

How many permit applications are required?

The City of Lawndale does not issue combination permits. A separate permit application is required for each detached structure on a lot and for each separate trade (electrical, plumbing, mechanical, sewer).

WHO can pull a permit?

A state-licensed contractor or a homeowner that qualifies to pull a permit as an owner-builder can pull a permit. For information on requirements, see the requirement sections below.


Monday - Friday: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday and Holiday: No construction allowed!

Report Unpermitted Construction

To report construction being performed outside of the permitted hours or report work being done without permits, contact the Code Enforcement Department at (310) 973-3220.




Standard Permit Fees

Building Permits

For work requiring a building permit (such as modifications to a building, window and door installation and swap outs, modifications or repairs to a roof, etc.) an issuance fee is applied to each permit application. The building permit fee is based on the construction valuation for the work.

Additional building permit fees such as Green Building Standards Fee and Strong Motion are also based on the construction valuation.

Electrical, Mechanical, Miscellaneous, Plumbing, and Sewer Permits

An issuance fee is applied to each permit application. The permit fee is determined based on the following formula: fixture count x base costs for fixture.


Additional fees must be paid when obtaining building permits if the project is: new construction, conversions, use changes, or significant renovations. Contact the Building & Safety Department at (310) 973-3236 for additional information. Below is a list of common impact fees that may be required:

Development Impact Fees

Development Impact Fees are usually applied for larger residential projects, new construction, or major expansions to commercial buildings. The impact fees are determined by either construction valuation, the square footage of the project, the number of housing units, etc. These impact fees include public arts, park facilities, in lieu of parking, and traffic.

School Fees

Fees are collected by the Centinela Valley Union High School District at 14901 Inglewood Avenue, for all new buildings or additions exceeding five hundred square feet. The rates are as follows:

Residential Development = $3.402 per square foot
Commercial/Industrial Development = $0.547 per square foot.

Future Sewer

The construction of new buildings, additions, or changes of occupancy requires the payment of sewer capacity fees. The fee is based on the type and size of the structure proposed. The fee per is $204.00 per residential unit. 

Fees from Other Agencies

Projects may require additional clearances or approvals from other agencies such as the Public Health Department, LA County Land Development, LA County Building & Safety, AQMD, LA County Fire Department, LA County Sanitation District, Golden State Water, etc. before permits can be issued. Contact these agencies directly to obtain more information about their fee schedules.


  • Provide a copy of their driver's license and contractor's license.
  • Fill out and turn in a Contractor Declaration Form for each job they do in the City.
  • Provide proof that they have an active business license with the City of Lawndale. If a contractor needs to apply or renew a business license, they can go to the Citizen Serve portal.
  • If an agent is pulling a permit on behalf of the contractor, the agent must provide a valid Authorization Letter and a copy of their valid driver's license.


  • The project address must be their primary residence.
  • The property owner must reside on the property for a minimum of 12 months before they can apply for building permits.
  • Provide a copy of a valid driver's license.
  • Provide a copy of a recent utility bill (trash, water, gas, electricity).
  • Fill out and turn in an Owner-Builder Declaration Form.


Click the link below for more information on how to submit your applications and attachments.

You can submit by email or in person.

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