Successor Agency


As of February 1, 2012, the Redevelopment Agency ("RDA") of the City of Lawndale was dissolved by Governor Jerry Brown and the State Legislature.

As part of the Dissolution Act, the City of Lawndale designated itself as both the Successor Agency and Successor Housing Agency to the former redevelopment agency to wind down its operations and continue local control over the former assets of the agency.

This webpage will provide information relating to the Successor Agency operations and will post required documents such as the Enforceable Obligation Payment Schedule.

Successor Agency Documents

Check back frequently to see what documents have been posted to this page.

Successor Agency Summary Items

As of April 1, 2012, all members have been appointed to the Oversight Board by their respective appointing agencies. For more information, please call (310) 973-3230.


The Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency for the City of Lawndale is a required function due to the implementation of Assembly Bill X1 26 which dissolved all redevelopment agencies effective February 1, 2012.

Upon dissolution, Successor Agencies were to wind down the former redevelopment agency functions. On January 12, 2012, the City Council elected to become both the Successor Agency and the Housing Successor Agency to manage all low and moderate housing functions of the former agency.

Under Health and Safety Code ยง 34179, all Successor Agencies are to have an Oversight Board comprised of seven (7) members representing various taxing agencies to include the City, County, Community Colleges, County Department of Education, and the largest taxing entity in the former redevelopment area.

Oversight Board Membership

All matters regarding the Successor Agency are currently being overseen by the Second District Consolidated Oversight Board (SDCOB). For information on the SDCOB and any recent agendas and minutes, visit the SDCOB website.

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