Government Code Section 87200 identifies city elected officials (Mayor and City Councilmembers), City Manager, City Attorney, and City Treasurer as statutory filers who are required to file Statements of Economic Interest. Copies of the Statements of Economic Interests (Form 700) for the elected officers and other statutory filers may be obtained online through the Fair Political Practices Commission: please click here to visit their electronic filing system. They are also available by visiting the office of the City Clerk at 14717 Burin Ave.
87200 filers for the City of Lawndale:
Robert Pullen-Miles, Mayor
Pat Kearney, Councilmember
Bernadette Suarez, Councilmember
Frank M. Talavera, Councilmember
Sirley Cuevas, Councilmember
Dr. Sean M. Moore, City Manager
Greg M. Murphy, City Attorney
Hrant Manuelian, Finance Director/ City Treasurer
Staff - Form 700 Filings (Gov. Code 81000)
The Political Reform Act requires an agency's conflict of interest code to contain the following: a) must list positions within the agency whose responsibilities and activities involve the making or participation in the making of decisions which may foreseeably have a material effect on the incumbent's financial interests, and the specific types of investments, business positions, real property interests and sources of income which must be reported by each position; b) must require each designated employee to file statements of economic interests; and c) must set forth circumstances under which these designated employees must disqualify themselves from making, participate in the making, or using their official position to influence decisions. The City's current conflict of interest code was approved by the City Council in August 2024 and is in compliance with these requirements.
City of Lawndale’s Conflict of Interest Resolution
You may request filings of Form 700 by contacting the City Clerk's office ([email protected]) or by submitting a public records request.