- Summer Youth Basketball (TBD)
- Ages: 5-17 (Boys/Girls)
- Fee: $60 for Residents / $85 for Non-Residents
- Winter Youth Basketball (TBD)
- Ages: 5-17 (Co-ed)
- Fee: $60 for Residents / $85 for Non-Residents
- Pee Wee Sports (TBD).
- Ages: 3-5 (Co-ed)
- Fee: $60 for Residents / $85 for Non-Residents
Practices/Game Play @: Bollinger Gym, 4040 W. 154th St. (On the campus of Will Rogers Middle School)
Registration Begins: TBD (Registration takes place @ 14700 Burin Ave. Lawndale- spaces fill up quickly)
Proof of age (birth certificate, passport) and residency(current utility bill) required for registration
Practices Begins: TBD
Games Begin: TBD