It is the intent of the city council to assure that all parties to a transaction involving a sale of a residential dwelling within the city of Lawndale are furnished with a residential property report which identifies observed violations of the city’s codes, rules and ordinances, and verifies the availability of legally required off-street parking spaces.
The intent of this report is that the requirement of such a report will reduce existing municipal code violations on residential properties and prevent future violations. The report prepared pursuant to Chapter 8.80 of the Lawndale Municipal Code (LMC) is not intended to take the place of a professional inspection of the property.
The Residential Property Report Ordinance requires that prior to the sale of a residential property, the property owner or their authorized agent apply for an inspection report from the City of Lawndale. Once submitted, City staff will review the permit records of the property and an inspection of the property will be scheduled.
Staff will then prepare an inspection report that states whether there are any violations of the LMC. The seller or their authorized agent is then responsible for 1) providing the report to the potential buyer, 2) obtaining the buyer's signature on the document; and 3) returning the document to the City of Lawndale.
If a violation is found to exist, this will be noted on the inspection report and code enforcement action will be initiated. Failure to comply with this requirement constitutes a misdemeanor on the part of the seller of the property.
REQUIRED - when a residential dwelling is listed on the market and enters escrow.
NOT REQUIRED - if there are more than ten residential units on a lot where there is a common parking facility, the first sale of a residential building which has never been occupied, transfers from one co-owner to one or more co-owners, etc.
You can mail-in your application with an escrow check or money order payable to the City of Lawndale:
City of Lawndale
Residential Property Report
14717 Burin Avenue
Lawndale, CA 90260
You can drop-off the application and make payment at City Hall during the following hours: Monday - Thursday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Payment in person:
- cash
- cashier's check(a)
- credit/debit card (we do not accept card authorization forms)(b)(c)
- escrow check(a)
- money order(a)
Payment by mail:
- cashier's check(a)
- escrow check(a)
- money order(a)
(a) make payments payable to the "City of Lawndale"
(b) card authorization forms are
not accepted by in person, by mail, or over the phone
(c) credit/debit card payments are
not accepted over the phone