Bulletin Board Request Form
The City of Lawndale provides public service announcement services free of charge on Lawndale Community Cable Television Channel 3 and Channel 22 Bulletin Board in the Time Warner cable system for non-profit corporations, organizations, agencies and service clubs. Commercial advertising is not available at this time. Channel 3 and Channel 22 are viewable within the boundaries of the City of Lawndale only, and only on cable television.
Please download the form by clicking here*, fill out the information by using your keyboard, print it out on your printer and then mail the completed form with any graphic information to
The City of Lawndale
Channel 22 Bulletin Board
14717 Burin Avenue
Lawndale, CA 90260
or email this information to: [email protected]
Graphic information may be submitted as long as the attached graphic file does not exceed the total email file size limitation of 5MB.
Acceptable computer files: Microsoft Word files, text files, JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PICT and Photoshop files.
For more information regarding announcements on Channel 22 Community Bulletin Board and the City of Lawndale official website, please call (310) 973-3206

* This form is in PDF format, so you will need a PDF reader (Adobe Acrobat Reader) to view it. If you don't have Acrobat Reader... Don't worry, you can download it FREE! Click on the icon to the left of this message and it will take you to Adobe where you can download your own free copy.
After downloading the FORM, fill it out on your computer then print it out on your printer.