Parks, Recreation & Community Enrichment

Program Description
The Parks and Recreation Division of  Lawndale Community Services, provides opportunities to promote healthy and productive lifestyles for people of all ages. A number of programs are available in the City of Lawndale that build strong, healthy, and active neighborhoods. Take a look!

Interested in becoming an instructor?

The City of Lawndale has ongoing needs for contract class instructors who can bring new and exciting programs to our community. Instructors interested in teaching must be a business entity such as a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC) to be eligible for a paid instructor/independent contractor position. 

Interested LLC's must complete the following to be eligible/considered: a completed contract class proposal, proof of LLC status, relative résumé and no fewer than three (3) professional references,

The above documents may be submitted using the following methods: 

US Mail to: Lawndale Community Services Dept., Attn: Jason Minter, 14717 Burin Avenue, Lawndale, CA 90260.

EmaiI to:  Jason Minter, Director of Community Services, City of Lawndale at [email protected].

Hand Delivery to:  Jason Minter, Director of Community Services, Lawndale Community Center, Second Floor Reception Office, 14700 Burin Avenue, Lawndale, CA 90260. 

For more information please contact Jason Minter,  Director of Community Services at (310) 973-3272, or via email at [email protected].

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